Good Question Series

Good Question! books gives kids the facts they really want to know in accessible and lively detail. The fun, Q&A format is geared specifically to readers ages 7-10 and includes engaging text, attractive art, and interesting images.
~For sale wherever books are sold.~

Why Couldn't Susan B. Anthony Vote? And Other Questions about Women's Suffrage
Who was Susan B. Anthony—what did she stand for, why was she arrested, and how did she fight for women's right to vote? From the first women’s rights convention at Seneca Falls, New York, to the enactment of the 19th Amendment, this lively chronicle introduces Anthony and the American suffragist movement.
Sterling, 2015; 32 pages; ISBN:9781454912415

What Makes a Tornado Twist? And Other Questions about Weather
Is each snowflake unique? What comes first: thunder or lightning? What causes the seasons? Charming illustrations, clever charts, and fun text help kids learn whatever they want to know about wild weather. No matter their question, the fascinating answers are right here!
Sterling, 2014; 32 pages; ISBN:9781454906841

What Was Your Dream, Dr. King? And Other Questions about Martin Luther King Jr.
Why were schools, drinking fountains, and movie theatres segregated by race? Why did more than 250,000 people march in Washington, DC in 1963? What was Martin Luther King, Jr.'s big dream--and has it come true? All of these and other “must-know” questions about the civil rights hero are answered in this engaging new book.
Sterling, 2013; 32 pages; ISBN:9781402796227

How Many Planets Circle the Sun? And Other Questions about Our Solar System
Why is there life on earth? How did Saturn get its rings? Which planet is biggest, which one's hottest—and which has a cloud named Scooter? Take a trip into outer space to learn about the asteroid belt, Martian volcanoes, dwarf planets, and other fascinating facts about our universe.
Sterling, 2014; 32 pages; ISBN:9781454903398

What Sank the World's Biggest Ship? And Other Questions about the Titanic
Why was the Titanic so huge? Did all the passengers really eat off gold plates? How could an iceberg just appear out of nowhere? Here are the answers to all these and other “must-know” questions about the building, launch, and tragic sinking of the most famous ship of all time.
Sterling, 2012; 32 pages; ISBN:9781402787331

How Strong Is an Ant? And Other Questions about Bugs and Insects
Are there more insects than people on Earth? Are all bugs insects? And can all insects fly? From the number of legs a ladybug has to the truth about whether termites eat wood and why crickets chirp, this cool book helps children discover some of the world's most amazing creatures.
Sterling, 2014; 32 pages; ISBN:9781454906858

Did It All Start with a Snowball Fight? And Other Questions about the American Revolution
Could a snowball fight really have sparked the American Revolution? What made people get so steaming mad over the price of tea? Step back into colonial America to find out about taxation without representation; why the British were called lobsters; and whether Yankee doodles were really dandy!
Sterling, 2012; 32 pages; ISBN:978140278734

Why Does Earth Spin? And Other Questions about Our Planet
Where is planet Earth—and how big is it? Does the ground move under our feet? What would we find if we dug down all the way to the Earth's core? And why is the sky blue? Children will discover the answers to these and other must-know questions about our amazing planet.
Sterling, 2014; 32 pages; ISBN:9781454906759

Which Way to Freedom? And Other Questions about the Underground Railroad
What was the Underground Railroad—and who traveled on it? Who was Harriet Tubman and what did she do? This gripping book tells kids all about the perilous journey to escape slavery and finally become free: how long it could take, where the fugitives hid, who helped them, how “stationmasters” sent secret messages, and other fascinating details of the legendary Underground Railroad.
Sterling, 2015; 32 pages; ISBN:9781454907855