Author of books for kids about wildlife, nature, space, weather, and more!



Mary Kay Carson is a children’s book author. She’s written more than fifty books for kids about wildlife, space, weather, nature, and other science and histroy topics.

Upcoming Events

Back to School Local Author Event

Cincinnati, OH

Teachers! Parents! PTOs! Librarians! Join myself, Will Hillenbrand, Louise Borden, and Keila Dawson and find out about our newest books and school visit offerings!

Book Signing!

Cincinnati, OH

I’ll be signing URBAN COYOTES and THE RIVER THAT WOLVES MOVED at Barnes & Noble Kenwood from 1-3.

Buckeye Book Fair

Wooster, OH

A literacy charity that promotes Ohio authors, illustrators, and reading!

Books By the Banks

Cincinnati, OH

A celebration of books, reading, and the cultural arts.

Claire's Day

Toledo/Maumee, OH

A celebration of life, authors, illustrators, and reading excellence.